About One Woman’s Day

Today a woman somewhere is laughing, weeping, grieving, or celebrating. Someone is giving birth; someone is losing a loved one to death. Relationships are forming, others are ending. For some this will be an ordinary day filled with many of the same activities as yesterday. For others, something unexpected will suddenly make this day unforgettable, one that they may tell their children and grandchildren about in the future. In the same way that we are curious about how our grandmothers lived, future generations will be interested in learning about what an ordinary day was like in our lives.

We are looking for stories from Story Circle Network (SCN) members. Think of a day in your life that you would like to write about. It may be something that happened on a specific date or something that reflects a certain holiday or season. Then, submit your story or stories on our blog post submission page. (use your SCN member login information to access the submission page).

For information about how you can become a member of the Story Circle Network please check our our membership page.

We are accepting submissions now and will continue to accept throughout 2011.

Please join with us in being a part of A Woman’s Day!